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Reunite Body & Soul: Reiki Yoga Therapy

Experience a Unique Fusion of Reiki Energy Healing and Mindful Yoga for Holistic Well-being.

Unveil Your Soul

Feeling the call for healing, perhaps during a challenging time, or simply seeking a space of understanding and support?


Perhaps you crave a gentle shift, a movement of stagnant energy that's been holding you back. Maybe you need a space to process complex emotions, to be truly seen and acknowledged on your journey. Or perhaps a special hunger for spiritual curiosity has brought you here. 


Whatever your reason, you are so welcome, just as you are. Reiki Yoga Therapy can be your gentle guide on this path forward, offering a haven for rest, recovery, and rejuvenation.

A non-clickable image of green waves with pink sun - representing the energy of going with the flow
A non-clickable image of green waves with pink sun - representing the energy of going with the flow

Reiki: A Journey of WHolEness + Reconnection

Reiki is a sacred practice that transcends mere meditation. It's a doorway to connect with the natural energy that permeates the universe, fostering a profound sense of oneness and interconnectedness.


Through gentle hand placements (or working within the energy field if preferred), Reiki awakens a deep awareness of your inherent wholeness and your unique expression within the cosmic dance of energy.


Imagine Reiki as a harmonizing force, a beautifully creative magic that restores your natural energy flow. By receiving Reiki, you can gently release blockages and realign with your True Self. In this peaceful space, you gain the clarity to hear the whispers of your soul and reconnect with your inner wisdom.


Ultimately, Reiki is a path of self-discovery, an exploration of the potent energy that resides within each of us.

A non-clickable image that acts as a marquee advertising Reiki

Soul Communion: Reiki Yoga Therapy

An unclickable cloud graphic

Embark on a sacred journey where Reiki and Yoga intertwine, guiding you towards wholeness. In this deeply personalised session, reconnect with your inner wisdom and awaken the body's natural healing potential.


Reiki + Yoga:  This unique approach blends the energy healing power of Reiki with the mindful movement of Yoga, creating a synergistic experience that promotes:

✨ Improved sleep quality

✨ Reduced stress and anxiety

✨ Relief from physical discomfort

✨ Enhanced emotional well-being 

✨ Increased sense of clarity and focus

✨ Deeper connection to your inner wisdom

✨ Deeper Relaxation:

Reiki energy gently harmonizes your system, while yoga postures create a sense of calmness and inner peace.

✨ Enhanced Flexibility and Strength:

Yoga practice improves physical well-being, complementing the energetic cleansing of Reiki.

✨Enhanced Emotional Well-bring:

Combining these practices can help release emotional blockages and facilitate a sense of emotional well-being.

✨Greater Self-Awareness:

Focusing on breath and movement during a Reiki-infused yoga session deepens your connection to your inner self.

What to Expect in Your Reiki Yoga Session: 

The multi coloured mandala chakra logo for Ashley Cruz Yoga



In our personalised discovery session, we'll discuss your goals and tailor the session to your specific needs and experience level. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a complete beginner, we'll collaborate to design a safe and comfortable practice.


Together, we'll set clear intentions to focus the Reiki energy and guide the yoga practice towards your desired outcomes. This personalised approach ensures you receive the most impactful experience and empowers you to actively participate in your well-being journey.

These sessions can be further enhanced with the addition of essential oils, carefully chosen based on your individual needs.


The combined energy of Reiki and the therapeutic properties of essential oils work on unseen levels as well, gently harmonizing your energy body and promoting deep healing.


This allows you to release what no longer serves you and reconnect with your inner wisdom. The essential oils further enhance this process by stimulating the olfactory system, a powerful pathway to your subconscious mind.


A non-clickable image of green waves with pink sun - representing the energy of going with the flow

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a complete beginner, this combined Reiki & Yoga session offers a powerful approach to unlocking your true potential. 


Is your soul whispering for a deeper connection?  Allow Reiki and Yoga to guide you on a transformative journey inwards.  Book your Soul Communion: Reiki Yoga Therapy session and awaken the healing potential that lies within.

One-to-One Healing


A clickable image of a hand calmly reaching through sun rays to touch plants in nature - representing Reiki Therapy.
A clickable image of a woman working with holistic herbs representing Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultations.
A clickable image of two people working together to in Yoga Therapy.
Ana Maria, beaming with energy, highlights the positive impact of Ashley's personalized approach (Increased strength & self-discovery).
"I have been doing Yoga for 5 years in london, lisbon and nyc and I was wonderfully surprised by the teacher Ashley. from her words, to the sense of opportunity, helping, the pace, the getting everyone's names and brief "why am I here", taste for music and simply those oils... Vinyasa gained a new look for me. You made me feel so balanced out, just when I needed that push. May your excellent work continue and your knowledge be taken further."

~ Ana Maria 

What Students Say

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