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yoga and mindfulness in schools and Nurseries

Supporting the development of the whole child whilst nourishing teachers, creating a calm classroom environment and a thriving school culture.

Empowering Young Minds Through Yoga and Mindfulness

Unleash the Magic of Yoga & Mindfulness in Your School!
Imagine: classrooms filled with calm, focused children, their bodies strong and flexible, their minds engaged and balanced. That's the power of bringing yoga and mindfulness to your school.

As a passionate and certified children's yoga instructor, I believe in nurturing the whole child. It's not just about physical postures – it's about:


  • Building emotional resilience

  • Enhancing mental clarity

  • Promoting a joyful, supportive learning environment

  • Cultivating a strong physical and mental scaffolding for children

Mandala chakra symbol for enegetic healing and wellness.

My Engaging and age-Appropriate Classes Will:

  • Spark curiosity and laughter through games, stories, and playful activities.


  • Develop strength and flexibility with gentle poses and movement exploration.


  • Cultivate mindfulness with calming breathing and self-awareness practices.


  • Reduce stress and anxiety with tools for emotional management.


  • Boost self-confidence and body image through positive affirmations and movement.


  • Promote teamwork and empathy with collaborative games and mindful exercises.

Mandala chakra symbol for enegetic healing and wellness.

Benefits for Both Students and Staff:

  • Improved focus and concentration for better learning.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety for a calmer, happier school environment.

  • Enhanced emotional regulation and social skills for positive relationships.

  • Increased physical well-being and body awareness for a healthy lifestyle.

  • Stress relief and rejuvenation for teachers and staff, supporting their well-being.

I tailor each program to your unique needs and curriculum, offering flexible options to seamlessly integrate with your schedule.

elements of yoga and mindfulness in a school or nursery setTing

Two children in a Radiant Minds Children's Yoga and Mindfulness Class, sitting in meditation and experiencing calm.

 For thousands of years, wisdom traditions have taught us that paying attention to the present moment has powerful positive effects on our health. For children, the time-tested practices of yoga are a wonderful gateway into this world of mindful awareness.


When we focus inward and take time to cultivate our inner vision—what Dr Daniel Siegel calls “mindsight”— we develop specific circuits in our brains that support our abilities to balance our emotions, focus our attention, pause before acting on impulses, and increase our compassion for others and ourselves.

Ready to unlock the transformative power of yoga and mindfulness in your school?






Womb Yoga for prenatal and beyond | 
Babies Welcome!

Pregnant Woman in Sunlight

Womb yoga is more than just pregnancy yoga. It's a transformative practice designed to empower women at every stage of life, honoring the cyclical nature of the feminine body. Whether you're preparing for pregnancy, recovering from childbirth, navigating motherhood, or experiencing menopause, we'll move together as a supportive community.

Yoga and Mindfulness for Woodentots |
After-School Club
(3-5 Years)

A sign for yoga and mindfulness for woodentots

Designed specifically for pupils of the Woodentots Montessori nursery, this after-school class is a playful & engaging yoga experience for children aged 3 to 5. Through imaginative storytelling, creative movement, and age-appropriate yoga poses, children will enhance their coordination, balance, and confidence while nurturing their imagination and love for yoga and mindfulness.

Parent and Baby Yoga + Mindfulness | group Yoga
(6 weeks old - Crawling)

Mums and their babies in a mummy and baby yoga and mindfulness class

Bond with your baby and experience the benefits of Yoga together in our Parent & Baby Yoga class. Designed for babies aged 6 weeks to crawling, this nurturing class combines gentle Yoga and relaxation techniques to promote parent-child connection, relaxation, and postnatal well-being. Classes are held outside on sunny days!

Private one-on-one 
yoga & Mindfulness sessions | tailored for your child (or family)

A young girl practicing yoga and mindfulness in a private yoga class

Looking for a unique, fun and enriching way to nurture your child's (or your family's) well-being? My private one-on-one yoga sessions offer a tailored experience designed to meet your child's specific needs and interests. You can expect: individualised attention, a focus on achieving your family's goals, a deepening of the yoga experience, & the cultivation of a strong yogic foundation. â€‹â€‹

Ana Maria, beaming with energy, highlights the positive impact of Ashley's personalized approach (Increased strength & self-discovery).
"I have been doing Yoga for 5 years in london, lisbon and nyc and I was wonderfully surprised by the teacher Ashley. from her words, to the sense of opportunity, helping, the pace, the getting everyone's names and brief "why am I here", taste for music and simply those oils... Vinyasa gained a new look for me. You made me feel so balanced out, just when I needed that push. May your excellent work continue and your knowledge be taken further."

~ Ana Maria 

What Students Say

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